
Arabian nights: The fire under Mubaraks ass is getting hotter and hotter...

Ägypten steht auf.
Viele Tote und Verwundete.  Sehr engagierte Live-Berichterstattung von Al Jazeera. Hauptforderungen des Volkes: Kein Hunger für niemand, Mubarak weg. Demokratie. Die Moslem-Bruderschaft spielt - entgegen der hier kommentierenden Journaille- keine Rolle. Die Menschen  rufen:  Die Armee und das Volk sind eins.  - - - Wie lange noch, Pharao?
Ja, der König Großkotz lebt noch,
aber einmal stürzt er doch.
(Georges Brassens)

UPDATE: Reuters: 410 wounded in Cairo, curfew extended to all Egyptian cities; Al Jazeera: Mubarak speech just a rumor; Egyptian protesters welcome arrival of troops, chant: “The people and the army, we are one.”
UPDATE 2: Reuters ups injury count to 870; Al Jazeera: Firefighters arrive to battle growing blaze at NDP HQ, looting reported; Army protecting nearby Egypt Museum; Egypt Airlines suspends Cairo departures, US issues travel alert.
UPDATE 3: AP video carries first footage, comments of Nobel Peace Prize-winning Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, presently under house arrest:
UPDATE 4: Unconfirmed rumors that Mubarak has fled Egypt; Curfew not extended — Cairo only, being defied anyway; AJE: Vodafone building “smashed,” Egypt State TV “stormed”; WH press briefing scheduled for 3PM EST; Misc: Egypt Internet blackout “largest of its kind”; Telecomix offering free dialup service to Egyptians.; Reuters Factbox: Protests and Egypt’s financial markets.
UPDATE 5: White House Press Briefing Summary: Obama has not spoken to Mubarak; Internet must be turned back on, Egyptians have right to communicate; violence is not the response, should stop immediately; situation will be resolved by the people of Egypt, grievances must be addressed by government; next couple of days will form our posture, could impact financial assistance; important opportunity to institute legitimate political reforms; time has not passed for Mubarak to make changes. Other: Egyptian military moves to secure invaluable treasures at Egyptian museum; photo below: “An Egyptian army soldier smiles at protesters in Cairo January 28, 2011” (reuters).

UPDATE 6: Reuters: Wounded figures upped again to 1,030; 13 reportedly killed in Suez, 75 wounded; CNN’s Ben Wedeman: Cairo calmer because there’s no gov’t, “if this isn’t the end, it certainly looks and smells like it”; BREAKING: Important statement from Speaker of Egyptian Parliament expected soon, could be audio of Mubarak. Misc: The Taking of Kasr Al Nil.

UPDATE 7: Mubarak Statement Summary: Regrets innocent victims on both sides; fully aware of Egyptian people’s lawful aspirations and suffering, is on the side of freedom; allows citizens to protest “within the frontiers of the law,” protests could not have taken place without Egyptian freedoms; defends Egypt’s stability from threats to public safety and order; economy is too important to be left to economists; will continue reforms “within the rule of law”; calls on the gov’t to resign, will form new gov’t tomorrow. Bottom Line: Mubarak is not going anywhere, no word on when communication services will be restored. Earlier: Speaker of Egypt’s parliament: Mubarak remains in control, situation in “safe hands”.
UPDATE 8: Reuters: Six killed in Alexandria; Egyptian army takes control of Tahrir Square as protesters flee. Misc: Telegraph: America has been secretly backing rebel leaders behind uprising; Biz Stone: The Tweets Must Flow; Photo Below: “An Egyptian anti-government activist kisses a riot police officer following clashes in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Jan. 28, 2011” (ap). See Also: Today’s other iconic photo.

UPDATE 9: Obama Statement Summary: Calls on Egyptian authorities to refrain from violence against peaceful protesters, asks Internet to be turned back on; lack of political, social, economic reforms have lead to grievances; moment of volatility has turned into moment of promise; path to political change must be put in place; told Mubarak concrete steps to reform necessary. Other: Chuck Todd: Obama spoke to Mubarak for 30 minutes; Video: Hosni Mubarak’s televised statement, with CNN’s translation. Misc: The Internet Society on Egypt’s Internet shutdown.
UPDATE 10: NYT Cairo bureau chief David Kirkpatrick describes what he saw; Anonymous circumvents “digital blackout” by mass-faxing Wikileaks cables to Egypt; Five factors that distinguish the “Day of Anger” from any other day of protest.

Quelle: The daily what.

Immer aktuell: Andreas Feckes Afrika-Blog in französisch und englisch

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